10 Video Game Remakes Fans Won’t Allow

6. Earthbound

If you played Super Smash Bros and wondered just who exactly Ness is, don't worry, you weren't alone. After all, Earthbound only received a global release in 2013 when it was re-released on the Nintendo Wii U; up until then, the only way to play the game in Europe was to emulate it.

Whether you played it legally or not, Earthbound is a timeless classic. It's remarkably off-the-wall but it has some great RPG gameplay and the visuals are beautifully cartoony. What really sets Earthbound apart is the writing though; it's funny, original and it's always entertaining.

Some fans would probably love to see a 3D remake of Earthbound but most fans are probably willing to accept it for the classic that it is. Besides, it would take an enormous effort to recreate the game and there's a huge possibility that certain moments or events could be drastically changed. The game features a lot of pop culture references and many of these prevented the game's release on the Virtual Console; while nothing was completely cut, a full remake might be a different story. Plus, do you really want to see Gigyas remade in 3D? How terrifying would that be!


I have an addiction to achievements, a craving for new bands and a dream to become Captain America. I once finished second in a Mario Kart 7 tournament so I'm kind of a big deal.