10 Video Game Remakes Fans Won’t Allow

5. Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons Of Liberty

Hideo Kojima has never been afraid of utilising the nostalgia factor of his flagship franchise; after all, nostalgia was pretty much a constant feature of Metal Gear Solid 4. Hideo's also incredibly willing to revisit his past games and give them a current gen makeover, as shown with Metal Gear Solid's remake for the Gamecube, entitled The Twin Snakes. Did you know Metal Gear Solid 3 also got the makeover treatment with a Nintendo 3DS release though? (Alright, it was more of a port, but it did add new features).

The answer is probably not, as it wasn't that great of an idea. Yes, it's still a great game on a portable device (hence the mostly high review scores) but the newly created features for the 3DS were pretty forcibly implemented (not to mention that technically, the game ran pretty horribly at times). Even The Twin Snakes is a massively divisive title; the wacky changes to the game's cut-scenes (like Snake dropkicking Metal Gear REX) were a real love or hate thing.

Previous mistakes aren't the only reason to not remake Metal Gear Solid 2 though; it's pretty widely available (thanks to the HD ports to the Xbox 360 and PS3) and even today, it holds up pretty well. Change in lead character aside (that alone could be another reason why people would want to avoid revisiting MGS2), Metal Gear Solid 2 should be very favorably remembered for being a great game; it doesn't really need altering or fixing.


I have an addiction to achievements, a craving for new bands and a dream to become Captain America. I once finished second in a Mario Kart 7 tournament so I'm kind of a big deal.