10 Video Game Remakes Fans Won’t Allow

3. Streets Of Rage

Back before they became best friends with Nintendo, Sega had their own console and released some amazing games to support it. While Sonic is still alive and kicking, most of the Mega Drive's (or Genesis, if you're that way inclined) greatest hits are dead in a ditch somewhere, including the phenomenal beat-em-up Streets Of Rage.

The premise of Streets Of Rage is remarkably simple; scroll from left-to-right, beat up everybody in sight and finish the level. Yet a combination of great visuals, addictive gameplay and catchy tunes elevated the game from simple beat-em-up we've seen before to cult classic. The series has since been ported to modern day consoles but thankfully, it was left untouched. Messing around with Streets Of Rage is a big no-no.

Just one look at a similar Sega franchise will tell you that. Golden Axe, which bares a lot of similarities to Streets Of Rage, was given a 3D sequel in 2008 but the game was slaughtered for ruining the series' reputation. Do you really want the same thing to happen to Streets Of Rage? There was actually a fan-made re-imagining that was shut down by Sega back in 2012 but reception to the leaked footage was mixed to say the least. Most fans agree that the series is simply best left alone; beat-em-up's haven't transitioned into 3D that well and trying to force Streets Of Rage down a similar path is probably going to end in disaster.


I have an addiction to achievements, a craving for new bands and a dream to become Captain America. I once finished second in a Mario Kart 7 tournament so I'm kind of a big deal.