10 Video Game Remakes Fans Won’t Allow

2. Final Fantasy VIII (Or Any Final Fantasy That Isn't VII)

When did people start demanding a remake of Final Fantasy VII? Probably about a week after the game originally came out. People have been getting unbelievably excited about the prospect of seeing a Final Fantasy VII remake for years now, no matter how likely it may actually be. One tiny mention of the game from Square Enix or Sony and it sets the internet ablaze with rumours and speculation; it's fair to say that a Final Fantasy VII remake is in demand.

So can you imagine what would happen if Square turned around and picked a different Final Fantasy game to remake? There would be riots, especially if Square were to opt for one of their more divisive titles, like Final Fantasy VIII. It's not beyond the realms of belief; after all, Final Fantasy XIII was a massively unpopular game and we've since seen two sequels to it!

Why would a remake of Final Fantasy VIII be so opposed? Many fans take great delight in picking holes in it, criticising everything from the storyline to the gameplay, when really the game's main crime is that it just isn't as good as VII. While that may seem unfair, that's just how passionate the Final Fantasy fanbase is. Seeing one of the less acclaimed titles receive a remake before VII might just be the final nail in the coffin for the series in some people's eyes.


I have an addiction to achievements, a craving for new bands and a dream to become Captain America. I once finished second in a Mario Kart 7 tournament so I'm kind of a big deal.