10 Video Game Remasters That Blow Their Originals Out The Water

7. Resident Evil

With an unintentionally funny game cover that resembles a C-grade horror movie poster, trashy dialogue, a sub-par combat system and a horror atmosphere that's more campy than scary, it's pretty safe to say that the original 1996 version of Resident Evil hasn't stood the test of time very well. The 2002 Gamecube remake though? That's a completely different story. Taking advantage of the newer hardware, the remake was better than the original in every aspect. Graphics were spectacular (at the time), the art style and visuals clicked with the intended horror atmosphere, and the combat system was radically improved. Just like that, Resident Evil suddenly became genuinely scary rather than stupid, all those unintentional laughs were replaced with an endless stream of jump-scares, and sales of replacement underwear unexpectedly rose considerably. Just to go all Inception on the game, 2015 saw the remaster of the remake. As funny and ridiculous as that sounds, the remaster is nothing to laugh about. With the a HD graphic revamp, 1080p visuals, 60fps support and the implementation of widescreen, this re-remaster may actually now be the best way to experience the original all over again. Just make sure you have a spare pair of underwear handy.

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