10 Video Game Remasters That Were Utter Failures

6. Tony Hawks Pro Skater HD

Modern Warfare Remastered

With the upcoming remasters/remakes of Tony Hawks Pro Skater 1 and 2, there has been a huge excited upswell in the fanbase. After all these games not only defined a franchise but also pretty much all of our childhoods.

With the original roster of skaters returning, the create a park mode included and of course a near fully curated list of songs from the original game this is shaping up to be the remaster that unfortunately Tony Hawks Pro Skater HD just wasn’t.

I’ll admit I had fun with this game and to call it and out and out failure might be harsh, but I didn’t have a consistent time with the title for sure. For example while the game touted that it was bringing back classic maps and updating the graphics, the lack of local split screen and the park editor actually made the title feel like it had LESS content than the originals. Add into this an iffy collision detection system and you had a game that was aiming for that beefy 900 but didn’t stick the landing.

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