10 Video Game Reveal Trailers Better Than The Final Release

6. Aliens: Colonial Marines

Aliens: Colonial Marines will easily go down in history as one of the most disappointing games of all time.

Hyped up for years, the "faithful" adaptation from Gearbox - the studio responsible for adored franchises like Borderlands and Brother in Arms - was supposed to be the definitive Aliens adaptation. Instead, it ignited one of the biggest controversies the industry has ever seen.

In hindsight it's easy to look back and see the warning signs, but until players had the game in their own hands, there was no reason to doubt that it would be good.

The trailers that dropped in the run up to its release all looked amazing, boasting incredible graphics and technical features that were more ambitious than anything else at the time. More than that though, the early promotional material managed to do the one thing it needed to get fans on board: capture the feel of the Alien franchise.

The original trailers are steeped in the atmosphere of the movies, reflecting a dedication to the lore that just wasn't present in the final release. Consequently, not only was the title a terrible shooter, but it had no respect for the material it was adapting.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3