10 Video Game Rewards You ONLY Get From Being A Dick
9. Being A Jerk Lets You Fight The True Boss - Katana Zero
Katana Zero follows an assassin called The Dragon, who utilises a time-altering drug to assist him with his missions. Every time a level is complete, Dragon visits The Psychiatrist, who asks him a series of multiple-choice questions.
Though Askiisoft's hack-and-slash platformer received plenty of praise, it was criticised for its abrupt ending. The story's conclusion is so anti-climactic, it feels there's a whole section missing.
It turns out there is. But there's only one way to unlock the real ending - piss off The Psychiatrist. Every time the shrink speaks to Dragon, the wannabe samurai should dismiss his questions, avoid small-talk, or yell expletives. When the doctor calls, Dragon should hang up on him repeatedly.
If Dragon shows The Psychiatrist any kindness, no matter how minor, the road to the true ending gets cut off.
By being a jackass to the guy from beginning to end, The Psychiatrist will inject himself with a special drug in the climax, kicking off an epic four-part battle, which culminates in him mutating into a screen-filling monster.
Being rude throughout the playthrough doesn't just offer an epic finale, but reveals more details about the overarching narrative, which is barely explored if the main campaign is played normally.