10 Video Game Secrets You Were Better Off Not Finding

8. A Hundred Lives - Super Mario 64

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It's not exactly a hidden secret that, after getting 100% completion of Super Mario 64, you can get a sweet canon ride up to the roof of the castle to meet everyone's favourite green lizard Yoshi.

There, you are given a very kind, but entirely useless gift: a hundred lives, which is more than you'd ever need to finish the game.

Only... you kind of have already finished the game. In fact, you've gotten everything you could have. Though it's cool to have a reward for your tireless efforts as a little red plumber, you also can't help but think it's sort of a hollow one, because it doesn't really serve a purpose.

It's a fun moment, but also one that leaves you half expecting another area or something to throw those lives into - instead of them being the entirety of the fun surprise for having totally completed Super Mario 64.


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