10 Video Game Secrets You Were Better Off Not Finding

7. The Stone Of Agony - Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time

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The Stone of Agony is either a super useful item in the original Ocarina of Time, or the most useless, depending on whether you had a fully kitted out Gamecube or not when you played it.

Obtained after gathering 20 gold Skulltula tokens, the Stone of Agony would allow you to find secret grottos you could bomb to find secret areas and items. So it was incredibly useful - so long as you had a Rumble Pak, because you would only be clued in by this vibrating.

If you didn't have one, you were plum out of luck, because it didn't work in any other way, making this convenient item entirely useless for the entire of your run - and leaving you wondering exactly what that stone thing you got would have revealed to you.

This would naturally be correct in the 3DS remake, as the Shard of Agony instead visually clued you in when a grotto was nearby, potentially helping people who played the original realise just what it was supposed to do in the first place.


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