10 Video Game Sequels That Turned Wimps Into Total Badasses

4. Liara T'Soni - Mass Effect 2 & 3

Mass Effect 2 Liara

Asari researcher Liara T'Soni is, honestly, quite the wet blanket in the first Mass Effect, an awkward nerd with terrible people skills whose idea of a fun day out is venturing off on a remote dig by her lonesome.

But by Mass Effect 2, Liara has become an information broker on Illium and will do whatever it takes, even threatening force, to ensure her work can be carried out unimpeded.

And in Mass Effect 3, Liara has taken over the Shadow Broker's work, effectively making her the most powerful information broker in the galaxy.

Perhaps better than any other character on this list, she completes a distinct and quite brilliant arc over the course of the trilogy, going from cringe-worthy and difficult to powerful and self-actualised.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.