10 Video Game Side Missions That Made You Feel Cheated

8. Paperchase - Witcher 3

Cyberpunk 2077 Skippy
CD Projekt RED

Ah, bureaucracy. The endless joy of filling out forms, waiting in lines, and dealing with angry employees

Luckily, video games don't have you deal with the existential dread of governmental red tape. Oh, wait, they do? And it's in Witcher 3, of all things!

The mission "Paperchase" is a side quest where Geralt has to collect some money from a bank in Beauclair. The process is not as simple as just showing up and collecting his deposit because, surprise, Geralt was proclaimed dead by the bank. He has to prove he's still alive by filing out a special form (because being alive is apparently not proof enough), and this is where the quest goes off the rails.

As with real banks, Geralt's visit is a tedious chore, filled with waiting and being told you're doing things wrong. It takes forever to get your form approved, and even then it means nothing because the bank's owner spent all of Geralt's money anyway.

So even after all that time, you have to wait a full week to get your money back. Your reward is 500 gold, which is laughable considering in a week Geralt could get five times as much slaying monsters.

You know, doing something exciting.


Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.