10 Video Game Side Missions That Made You Feel Cheated

7. The Secret Garden - Shadow Of The Colossus

Cyberpunk 2077 Skippy
Bluepoint Games

Shadow of The Colossus is a game about slaying the titular colossi to prevent them from casting their disgusting shadows on the world. Yep, that's what the title is referring to; no need to worry about the game's finale...

But seriously, though your main objective is to take on the giant guardians, there are also some other things you can do in the meantime. One of them is climbing the tallest tower on the map in order to access a secret garden location.

The task of reaching the top of the tower is incredibly challenging. You'll have to max out your stamina to even attempt it, and even then, you're still not guaranteed to make it past the obstacles on the way.

However, if you think the difficulty of the climb is in any way indicative of the value of what lies on top of the tower, you're in for a nasty surprise. Not only is the secret garden disappointingly small and empty, but the only thing that grows there are special red fruits that drain your stamina bar.

Yes, that's right. You've spent all this time maxing out your stamina, only to have it taken away.

Thanks game.


Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.