10 Video Game Sidekicks Who Kicked Your Ass

3. Dr. Naomi Hunter - Metal Gear Solid

shadow of war bruz

Unlike most of the other turncoat sidekicks on this list, Metal Gear Solid's Dr. Naomi Hunter didn't come fists-a-flying at Solid Snake, opting instead for a subtler yet no-less damaging means of butt-kickery.

At the start of the game, Hunter is introduced as one of Snake's support characters, tasked with providing medical advice and moral support over codec.

Prior to the mission, she gives Snake an injection intended to help his body cope with the ice-cold Alaskan climate, but at game's end, we learn that she also stuck Snake with the FOXDIE virus, which will kill him an unspecified amount of time in the future.

The reason for this? Snake previously crippled Naomi's adoptive brother, Frank Jaeger aka Gray Fox, and she sought revenge.

By the time Metal Gear Solid 4 rolls around, Snake is still alive, yet the virus inside him is imminently due to mutate and cause a deadly pandemic.

However, in a fun reversal of the first game, it's neutralised by another injection Snake receives at the start of the game from another support character, Drebin, ensuring that while Snake still hasn't got long to live, he won't become a biological weapon.

That's... one hell of a revenge plan, even if Naomi ultimately found common ground with Snake once they began working together.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.