10 Video Game Sidekicks Who Kicked Your Ass

2. Brûz The Chopper - Middle-Earth: Shadow Of War

shadow of war bruz
Monolith Productions

Brûz the Chopper is one of Middle Earth: Shadow of War's more memorable NPC sidekicks - a troll who player character Talion eventually recruits into his ranks, and who in turn teaches the player about conquering enemy strongholds and commanding Orc armies.

It didn't take long before the surprisingly hilarious brute grew tired of being Talion's right-hand troll, though, and after helping Talion defend a fort, Brûz decides he's fed up of taking orders.

Brûz suddenly impales Talion from behind with a sword and hurls him from the fort's tower, killing him and taking the fort by force.

Given that the Nemesis System is the Middle-Earth franchise's most distinctive gameplay element, to see it inverted in such an unexpectedly unfortunate way - for the player, that is - was most amusing indeed.

You can't fault Brûz for his ambition - the guy just wanted his own fort - even if he's perhaps a little on the impatient side.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.