10 Video Game Spin-Offs BETTER Than The Main Franchise

8. The Sims

Half Life Portal

SimCity’s release in 1989 marked the beginning of a new gaming genre, Urban Simulation. Developed by Maxis, it employed a non-linear style of gameplay and no win conditions, allowing you to create a city from little more than an undeveloped patch of land.

Lauded upon release for its innovation, it spawned many spinoffs but nothing has ever come close to The Sims, a franchise few need introduction to. Moving away from city-building to a sandbox approach, you’d create individual characters and keep them happy, building them homes and directing their moods.

First releasing in 2000, it tapped into a casual market that was unheard of in 2000, becoming a hit sensation and has since been followed up by sequels, spinoffs and a large list of expansions that continue to grow within The Sims 4.

Having seen over 200 million sales worldwide, its undeniably one of gaming’s most successful franchises and completely dwarfed SimCity in the process.
