10 Video Game Trophies That Made You Do RIDICULOUS Things

8. Lifeless - Panzer Dragoon: Remake

catherine game

It's expected that trophies will require players to veer off the critical path and hoover up every last side quest, collectible, and so on, and then sometimes they'll just ask you to hang out in the game world for an arbitrary amount of time.

But this is taken to a basically self-parodying degree in Panzer Dragoon: Remake, where the aptly-named "Lifeless" achievement requires you to log 100+ hours in the damn thing.

This wouldn't be so bad for a beefy open-world RPG, but let's be clear here - the core experience of this game is barely an hour long.

With so little content on offer, you're basically forced to just... replay the game ad nauseum, or alternatively leave it idling on the main menu while you go away for a long weekend.

It's a ludicrous ask of the player for such a content-light game, doing nothing but tying up their platform of choice for days on end and wasting a ton of electricity in the process. In this economy? Pfft.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.