10 Video Game Trophies That Made You Do RIDICULOUS Things

7. Today Was A Good Day - Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (Definitive Edition)

catherine game

What is the Grand Theft Auto franchise if not a glorified Id Simulator, in which players can enact their most instinctually chaotic desires - that is, causing all manner of consequence-free mayhem?

But in the Definitive Edition re-release of GTA: San Andreas, the "Today Was a Good Day" trophy asks players to do the last thing anyone expects or really want to do in this franchise - not commit a crime.

To pop this trophy, you need to go 24 in-game hours without breaking the law, being wanted, killing or harming anyone.

And while a day in-game only translates to 24 minutes in real time, if you've ever played a GTA game, you'll know how tough it is to be a law-abiding citizen for more than about 30 seconds.

Throwing the player into one of the greatest open worlds ever created and then telling them to just kick rocks for almost half an hour? It's torturous. And so, you're better off just leaving CJ idle in the gym while you go for a walk or something.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.