10 Video Game Villains Who Were Right All Along (And You Hated Them For It)

1. Edgar Ross - Red Dead Redemption

metal gear solid 4 Big Boss

Edgar Ross serves as the antagonist in the final act of the original Red Dead Redemption game. He's a special agent working for the newly established government agency who blackmails John into helping his bureau take down the remaining members of his old gang.

Because of his methods and the fact that he ultimately orders a hit on John in the final mission proceeding the epilogue, agent Ross is one of the most hated characters in the series.

However, if you simply didn't play from John's perspective, you'd realize Edgar Ross is the true good guy of the story.

After all, the gang members he chases, including John, are actual criminals that are responsible for countless murders. Not only that, any contempt you may feel towards him for executing Dutch's gang members, Ross can bring back tenfold for all of his colleagues the gang has killed over the years.

And while he may use nasty tactics to get what he wants, when you talk with people who know him, you realize he doesn't actually like this part of the job—he just does it to get results.

Like it or not, if you were a civilian in Red Dead Redemption, Edgar Ross would be your hero.

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Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.