10 Video Game Villains Who Were Right All Along

3. Loghain Mac Tir (Dragon Age: Origins)

assassin's creed iii 3 haytham kenway

Loghain is presented as the traitor who, when it comes time to reinforce the King's troops, he looks upon a devastated battlefield and retreats to Denerim, seizing control for himself.

The thing is – he's not entirely wrong to do so.

Loghain joined a group of rebels as a young man when Ferelden was invaded by Orlais – this moulded his aptitude as a soldier, tactician, and his mistrust of Orlesians.

Had his troops fallen at the battle of Ostagar, there would have been no one to defend the rest of Ferelden from either the Darkspawn, or the Orlesian threat he suspected was waiting in the wings.

His methods were cruel and desperate, but he was a renowned war hero who had won countless battles, had spent his entire adult life at the side of the King learning how to rule (often ruling in his stead) and had good reason to be distrustful of the Wardens and the Orlesians.

He saw the only way to defend Ferelden as going it alone, and so chose to sacrifice soldiers and lose one battle, so they might win the war.


Writer, aspiring author, and I won't stop travelling until I've seen it all. Whilst I might take a break now and then to rant about politics or muse over philosophy, I'm not afraid to roll up my sleeves, buckle down, and spend some solid hours gaming!