10 Video Game Weapons With INSANE Requirements

6. Thunderfury - World Of Warcraft

Ninja gaiden

In the early days of World Of Warcraft, there were few enough end-game items that if you saw a player wielding them, you knew they were a badass. Among those, Thunderfury was one of most recognizable. There were precious few players wielding this legendary blade and it was a true mark of greatness.

So what makes obtaining it such a rare feat? For starters, even acquiring the quest to make it requires a drop from one of the bosses of the Molten Core - vanilla WoW's legendary 40-player raid.

Then, you needed bring it to an NPC who will give you the recipe to craft the sword - which requires two more items from Molten Core, including the essence of the game's most epic raid boss, Ragnaros. All of that plus some of the game's rarest crafting metals.

Upon turning these items in... well I hope you still have your other 39 Molten Core raid members, because now you'll have to defeat Thunderaan, a wind elemental the size of a skyscraper.

Upon his defeat, finally, anyone with the quest, and only anyone with the quest, will be able to get Thunderfury.

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Ninja Gaiden
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At 34 years of age, I am both older and wiser than Splinter.