10 Video Game Weapons With INSANE Requirements

5. Hand Canon - Dead Space 2

Ninja gaiden

"Real space. Real terror. Real foam," reads the description of Dead Space 2's ultimate weapon, the Hand Cannon. What it doesn't say is that the "real terror" is the process of unlocking this devastating novelty.

You simply have to beat the game on hard core mode. The problem is that in order to unlock hard core mode, you have to beat the game once already. And then again on the new difficulty to get the weapon.

The hand cannon completely dismembers most Necromorphs in one shot, making it an instant-kill weapon for the majority of the game's enemies.

Additionally, it fires as fast as you can pull the trigger.

It doesn't have an aiming reticle, but that doesn't mater much when you can just spam shots nonstop. It also results in protagonist Isaac Clark exclaim "BAM! BAM!" or "pew, pew, pew" when he fires it, which I think we can all agree is kind of fun.

Of course, by the time you unlock it, you've done literally everything there is to do in the game. Your ultimate reward is basically to start a new game to check it out, have a chuckle, and then move on to something else.

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Ninja Gaiden
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At 34 years of age, I am both older and wiser than Splinter.