10 Video Games Accused Of Having Hidden Agendas

6. Hatred Promotes Catholic Crusades

Released in 2015, Hatred was an isometric third-person shooter developed and published by Destructive Creations. It caused a great deal controversy at the tine due to its blatant and gratuitous depictions of violence, actively encouraging players to murder everything that moves and mercilessly execute innocent civilians. The rhetoric of the game was also purposefully contentious, often seein the main character offer up such zingers as €œI just f*cking hate this world and the human worms feasting on its carcass€ in order to draw attention to itself. The game was certainly self-aware; it attempted to actively generate controversy in order to make more money for itself, much like how Grand Theft Auto would stimulate its own controversies back in the early 2000s. With that said, the biggest issue taken with Hatred didn€™t come from gamers, but the Catholic Church itself, who took issue with the idea that the game€™s protagonist's €œgenocide crusade€ was being interpreted as being of Catholic origin. Unsurprisingly, the Catholic Church wasn€™t too hot on the idea of Hatred being associated with their religion, and called for the game to be banned soon after release.
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Formerly an assistant editor, Richard's interests include detective fiction and Japanese horror movies.