10 Video Games Accused Of Having Hidden Agendas

5. The Legend Of Zelda Is Anti-Semitic

The Legend of Zelda franchise has been accused of harbouring a multitude of secret agendas over the years, but this has to be the absolute strangest. The theory goes: Link is actually a member of the aryan race, destined to rescue his blonde-haired, blue-eyed lover from the clutches of Gannon, who according to some sources is actually a stereotypical Jewish caricature. It's all 'substantiated' by the fact that several Nazi-related images can be found scattered throughout the series. In the first game for example, the layout of the third dungeon appears as though a swastika; of course, the level itself is titled €œManji€, referencing the Buddhist symbol of the same name, but that fact hasn€™t deterred some of the more fervent accusers.
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Formerly an assistant editor, Richard's interests include detective fiction and Japanese horror movies.