10 Video Games That Would Be Awesome In First Person

1. Mass Effect

BioWare's epic space trilogy is not without its detractors, but one can't deny the critical acclaim that the series has received over the years since it first began in 2007. The scale of the games have always been huge, opening up a vast universe full of planets to explore and unique aliens to interact with. So it stands to reason that we could potentially see this huge world that BioWare has created from a new perspective, right? The all-out Reaper war that takes place over the course of Mass Effect 3 is begging to be seen from Shepard's perspective, as the scale of the action is enormous, lending itself well to the player's direct line of sight. Not to mention the amount of vehicles that you get to drive in the game, conjuring up some fantastic imagery of first person Mako driving. Considering that Shepard is unique to every player, it would also enhance the clarity between on-screen character and gamer tenfold. After all, what better way to believe in your own Shepard than by seeing the world from his or her eyes? But there's sure to be more games that would benefit from a new perspective, so hit that comment section and let us know what games you would like to see take the FPS plunge.

Writer, game developer, intersectional feminist.