10 Video Games Delayed To "Get It Right" (But Still Got It Wrong)

6. The Last Guardian

Red Dead 2 PC
Team ICO

The Last Guardian was an extremely promising release and one that sought to offer a unique spin on friendship and trust. On paper, it seemed like it would work wonders.

Its development began back in 2007 and it was unveiled in 2009, but the process was slow. In 2015, it was then officially announced as a PlayStation exclusive set for release in 2016.

Despite having years and years of work poured into it, it was clear from the get go that its mechanics and controls belonged in the past. The protagonist's companion, Trico, may have looked aesthetically pleasing but the A.I. controlling it caused constant issues when solving puzzles. Likewise, the camera was fickle to control and character animations would detract from gameplay, and not in a positive way.

The Last Guardian also suffered from its frames dropping, a lot. This was likely down to it beginning development during the PlayStation 3 era, but releasing on the PS4. Even so, all of this this begs the question - particularly when it was in development for so many years - why were the mechanics and graphics so underwhelming?


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