10 Video Games EVERYONE Gave Up On
8. Darkest Dungeon
Another roguelike here with Darkest Dungeon which came out in 2016 to pretty glowing reception. Fans and critics alike praised the game’s atmosphere, brutality, art, and gameplay loop which absolutely rewards the mastery you’ll have developed over the course of the game.
There are a lot of different elements at play between the affliction system stamping your heroes with massive debuffs, to strategizing combat and balancing your character classes.
It’s a satisfying core gameplay loop but not one that doesn’t come with a base level of frustration. As with any roguelike, you’ll probably find it’s right in your wheelhouse and you’re happy to keep gradually improving, or you feel like you’re beating your head against a wall and you can’t take one more run. Many of those in the latter category made up the game’s 12.4% retirement stat on HLTB. In defence of those who tapped out, the game is 58 hours long between its difficulty and sheer content so that’s a huge commitment to a game this unforgiving. Among the reasoning given by retirees was the classic complaint of repetition as well as the time investment required and its difficulty.
A couple of the choice comments I enjoyed were someone saying the game is too hard for their small brain and another who wrote “no way in hell am I beating this, lmao.”