10 Video Games That Failed So Hard They Actually Won

9. Heavy Rain

"JAY-SON!" Sorry we couldn't help ourselves. Quantic Dream's second major release is one that today, depending on how much you can forgive a game's execution in favour of its potential and scope, means you'll either be laughing all the way through or falling in love with David Cage's multi-protagonist masterpiece instead. Even for those who simply love the dark tale of following a child's abduction from the quad-viewpoints of the father, a private detective, journalist and FBI agent, you just have to poke fun at the alarmingly-bad voice acting, especially from the children. Still the series - and David Cage - has garnered a very passionate cult following over the years, with Heavy Rain being one of a handful of titles held aloft whenever anyone talks about more mature and involving narratives emerging in video games since.
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