10 Video Games That Were Great At First (But We Quickly Lost Interest)

7. Dead Rising 3

After all the pre-launch fury over the Xbox One's various policies (later ditched in damage control measures for Microsoft), the launch of the console went by pretty smoothly. Every console lacks must-play titles at launch but the Xbox One could boast the return of a genuine classic from the Xbox 360 days - Dead Rising. Back as an exclusive to Microsoft's console, Dead Rising 3 is one of the better games released on next-gen consoles so far. However, it's also very formulaic when compared to the previous titles in the series (the story and scenario is almost identical in every Dead Rising game, despite the differing settings) and while having thousands of zombies on screen at once makes for a great spectacle, it also makes getting around a chore, especially with vehicles now being slowed when moving through the hordes. Every time we load up Dead Rising 3, we seem to follow a short routine €“ load up with weapons and food; head to the next mission objective; get bored while finishing that mission (which usually involves driving all over the place); finish the mission and quit the game. It's a shame because it's a genuinely fun game €“ you just have to be prepared for a lot of tedious running around.

I have an addiction to achievements, a craving for new bands and a dream to become Captain America. I once finished second in a Mario Kart 7 tournament so I'm kind of a big deal.