10 Video Games It's Cool To Hate

8. Final Fantasy VII

Fortnite hate

Of course, Final Fantasy VII is a game that needs no introduction. It was the title that really sold the JRPG to the Western audience, and many gamers of a certain age cite it as their very first RPG. For all we knew, role-playing games’ characters all had huge, hideous blocky arms like life-size LEGO people. We just didn’t know any different.

You only have to look at the reaction to the remake’s reveal (and the excitement surrounding it) to see what a monumental deal Final Fantasy VII was and remains. However, they say every action has an equal and opposite reaction, and in this case, every gushing fan is balanced out by somebody else just itching to tell you how overrated this title is.

Naturally, those gamers who jump on board today will find the game more than a little archaic. Times certainly have changed a lot since 1997. It’d be easy for newcomers to be baffled by exactly what all the fuss is about. Not only this, but the constant praise that’s heaped on the title is just beginning to be challenged.

Is Sephiroth really one of the most badass villains of all time, or simply a whiny mama’s boy? Is the plot really a gripping and emotional tale, or a hard-to-follow and oddly-paced slice of bizarre melodrama? That’s entirely for the individual to decide. As long as you form your own opinion and aren’t simply buoyed along by the blind fandom or hatred for this iconic title, that’s what’s really important here.

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