10 Video Games People Died Playing

1. Wii Fit

Wii Fit U Picture 2 Wii Fit is a game everyone knows about. A fitness outing for the Nintendo Wii that aims to keep players active and healthy, something we should all be voluntarily doing away from a console anyway. 25-year-old Englishman Tim Eves tragically collapsed while attempting to better himself physically while taking part in the Wii Fit programme. Tim had no prior health issues and worked as a labourer in Yarmouth. Experts suggest that he fell victim to an extremely rare heart disorder and was pronounced dead before arriving at hospital. A lot of issues and debates have been raised over the years regarding the health impact that gaming can have on our bodies, but these examples are all rare and extreme cases of addiction. The majority of the victims obviously suffered some form of mental or emotional disorder to go to such lengths as a 40 hour gaming marathon, with the fault certainly not of the games themselves. I'm confident we all know to have a little break, stretch and eat something during our much loved pastime to avoid such unnecessary blood clots and exhaustion problems. However, if you feel you might be falling into a dark hole that some of the people on this list fell into; there is help out there that can start from any of the websites below. http://www.olganon.org/ http://www.gamingaddiction.net/ http://www.videogameaddictiontreatment.com.au/
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You're my bro! Not my brother.