10 Video Games So Bad They KILLED OTHER GAMES

4. Sonic And The Black Knight

avengers guardians of the galaxy

The Sonic Storybook series was an interesting experiment on Sega's part. Dedicating an entire spinoff series to exploring how motion controls can be implemented into the Sonic formula, using the framework of Sonic exploring different public domain stories to justify it narratively.

And then Sonic and the Black Knight came out.

The thing is, Black Knight isn't even that bad. The story is one of the best in the franchise, the sword mechanics had a lot of promise, and that soundtrack is absolutely sublime. But unfortunately, it hadn't 100% nailed down the formula. Combat was too stiff, motion controls - while improved - were still pretty unwieldy, and the level design still needed work. And with this being Sega's "do everything once and then never ever again" era, that spelled the doom for this branch of the franchise. 

The worst part is that there was clearly interest, both in Sonic Team and the fans, for more. Shortly after Black Knight came out, a Facebook poll was posted by Sega asking what setting fans would like to see in the next Storybook entry - with Greek Mythology winning out. That poll has since been deleted, as the fate of the storybook series was decided. 

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John Tibbetts is a novelist in theory, a Whatculture contributor in practice, and a nerd all around who loves talking about movies, TV, anime, and video games more than he loves breathing. Which might be a problem in the long term, but eh, who can think that far ahead?