10 Video Games Stuck In Development The Longest

1. Beyond Good And Evil 2

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2003's Beyond Good and Evil was a stellar title developed by Ubisoft for the sixth generation of consoles, investigative journalist Jade as she fights enemies and solves puzzles to unlock the secrets of a sinister alien conspiracy.

The game was critically acclaimed upon release, earning nominations for Best Sound Design, Original Music, Best Action Game and Best Game of 2003 amongst others.

Despite this, sales weren't much to write home about, which might explain the lack of urgency in getting its long-awaited sequel over the line.

With the first title in the series originally planned to be the first entry in a trilogy, director Michel Ancel has regularly expressed interest in making a sequel to Beyond Good and Evil. In 2008, Ubisoft teased a possible sequel being in the works at Ubidays. A decade's worth of silence would follow, before the company officially announced BG&E2 was definitely in the works.

Further delays would be required as the company turned their attention to Rayman Origins (as good a priority as any), however the continued absence of any target release window or hardware has seen BG&E2 earn the title as the game with the longest development time, beating out Duke Nukem Forever's 15 year run in 2022.

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Horror fan, gamer, all round subpar content creator. Strongly believes that Toad is the real hero of the Mario universe, and that we've probably had enough Batman origin stories.