10 Video Games Supposed To Release On Other Consoles

1. Mother 3

Halo mac

But nothing on this list can quite match the ridiculousness of cult RPG Mother 3, which began development shortly after the release of Mother 2 in 1994, but didn't finally release in Japan until 2006 - and has yet to release in the West to this very day.

Mother 3 was initially intended for release on the SNES like its predecessor, though mid-development Nintendo decided it would instead bow on the N64, aiming for a late 1996 launch date.

Inspired by Super Mario 64, the development team ended up creating a game far more ambitious than the N64's base hardware could handle, at which point production shifted to target the console's expansion peripheral, the 64DD, with plans for a 1998 launch.

After the 64DD failed commercially, the game was repurposed back to the base N64, though ultimately "cancelled" by 2000 as Nintendo debated whether to move the game again to the GameCube.

In 2003 it was announced that Mother 3 was now set to release on the Game Boy Advance with a new 2D art style, which it finally did in 2006, to positive reviews.

To recap, the game went from the SNES, to the N64, to the 64DD, back to the N64, and then finally the GBA. Is a Switch port really too much to ask, Nintendo?

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.