10 Video Games That Are More Fun To Watch Than Play

1. Everybody's Gone To The Rapture

until dawn video game
The Chinese Room

There are few game genres more controversial than the 'Walking Simulator'. Just as the name suggests, these games usually involve nothing more than walking around well-crafted worlds while unraveling a mystery or two.

While this format may not be universally beloved as a traditional game, it does lend itself perfectly to this new era of game watching. Everybody’s Gone To The Rapture is a stunningly good looking video game that features an incredible story and all-time great soundtrack. It’s easy to digest, only lasts a few hours, and stays with you for a lifetime.

Usually, you miss out on certain elements of video game storytelling by not actually playing it, but Everybody's Gone To The Rapture is so expressive in the way that it presents its world and story that you can indeed view it from afar and still feel like you're experiencing the adventure as it was intended.

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Until Dawn
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An entertainment enthusiast living in Brooklyn, trying to make his way by slinging words at blank pages.