10 Video Games That Are More Fun To Watch Than Play

2. Counter-Strike

until dawn video game

The great thing about Counter-Strike is that it’s reached a level of popularity that guarantees most gamers have played it. As such, you’ve also probably experienced what it’s like to join into the game and quickly be killed by someone that has been playing this game for half of their life.

While the removal of that frustration certainly helps makes Counter-Strike more fun to watch, it certainly doesn't hurt that the general knowledge many people have about how this game works adds an extra level of emotional investment to what's happening. It’s a lot like watching a football game and playing coach while also accepting you have no idea what you’re really talking about.

That combined with the inherent level of tension present in the average game of Counter-Strike make competitive match-ups as compelling as most traditional sports.

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Until Dawn
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An entertainment enthusiast living in Brooklyn, trying to make his way by slinging words at blank pages.