10 Video Games That Fumbled AMAZING Premises

7. Resident Evil 3 (2020)

Lara croft tomb raider shadow of the tomb raider

The 2019 remake of Resident Evil 2 set the bar for what a remake could be. In addition to giving the classic survival horror a grizzly new coat of paint, it reimagined the original plot, giving long-time fans something that was both new and familiar. The developers would likewise repeat this feat for Resident Evil 4, however the same can’t be said for 2020's Resident Evil 3.

While this game looked as visually impressive as the other remakes and opened with an impressive set piece, everything else about this modernised Resi title fell flat.

Whereas the 1999 original featured a branching narrative based on choices players made at certain points alongside an imposing villain in the form of Nemesis, the remake removed these aspects along with huge chunks of the plot. Consequently, this Resi 3 became a highly polished imitation of its former self.

Instead of being relentlessly hunted through the streets of Raccoon City by Nemesis, the antagonist was more of a gimmick this time around. Only appeared for a handful of brief action scenes, Nemesis was far less of a presence here.

With most of the puzzles also getting cut, this Resi title was a far-too-short experience that even Carlos's charismatic presence couldn't save.

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Glasgow-based cinephile who earned a Masters degree in film studies to spend their time writing about cinema, video games, and horror.