10 Video Games That Gave Iconic Characters The Endings They Deserved

5. Commander Shepard - Mass Effect 2

mass effect 2 suicide mission

I wish it was Mass Effect 3 that provided the fitting, all-roads-converge denouement we all wanted back in 2012, but alas, there's a more fitting finale for your custom Shepard in the first sequel. Why? Because Shepard's journey can end right here, and it'll always be a direct reflection of how you've played up to this point.

Say you followed the Renegade path, treated your entire crew like a bunch of thugs and enacted racist space-'justice' by screwing everyone over and never growing attached to any of them, all your followers will perish in the final Suicide Mission. Even Shepard him/herself can croak if everything goes south, and that's the brilliance of why this could be your final mission.

The opposite sees you being the heroic Commander your people deserve, guiding them through a mission fraught with obstacles like a needle skirting through a patchwork of white-hot death.

The good Commander's final mission does come down to conversing with the Starchild and going out with a celestially-powered bang, but I'll be damned if that's an ending befitting 200-ish hours of pure sci-fi perfection.

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