10 Video Games That Just Pissed Off EVERYONE

1. BlazBlue: Central Fiction On PC Had An Exploit Exposing Players To Hackers

Red Dead Redemption 2
Arc System Works

Above all else, it's a reasonable expectation that purchasing a game from an authorised source will allow you to play it free from the fear of malware and exploits.

But more than five years after fighting game BlazBlue: Central Fiction was ported to PC, players discovered an exploit which made anyone hosting a multiplayer game vulnerable to being hacked.

The exploit allowed anyone connected to the player's lobby to have backdoor access to their computer, in theory allowing them to both retrieve private information and even install malware.

Thankfully developers Arc System Works released a patch just two days later to fix the issue, though how it ended up in the game at all - so long after its initial release, no less - remains a mystery.

It falls upon a developer to ensure their game's online infrastructure is safe and secure, and so players were very understandably pissed off by this.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.