10 Video Games That Just Pissed Off EVERYONE

2. Red Dead Online Was Abandoned By Rockstar, So Users Held A "Funeral" For It

Red Dead Redemption 2

Red Dead Online exited its beta phase and officially launched in May 2019, though in recent times players have complained that it hasn't received as much support as Grand Theft Auto Online, the latter evidently being considerably more lucrative for Rockstar Games.

By the start of 2022 updates had become sporadic and piecemeal for Red Dead Online, with many enthusiastic players accusing Rockstar of effectively abandoning it.

Recently Rockstar finally put fans out of their misery by indeed confirming that they would be stepping back from releasing major updates for the game, while shifting resources to complete development on Grand Theft Auto VI.

This prompted many frustrated players to gather in-game on July 13th - exactly a year after the last significant update - and hold a "funeral" for Red Dead Online in protest, while spreading hashtags such as #RedDeadFuneral and #SaveRedDeadOnline.

Though Red Dead Online isn't being shut down immediately, it's emphatically been put out to pasture, as has left those who fell in love with its vibrant world feeling understandably crestfallen.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.