10 Video Games That Just Pissed Off EVERYONE

6. Halo Infinite Doesn't Have Co-Op Matchmaking

Red Dead Redemption 2
343 Industries

Though Halo Infinite had a relatively smooth launch late last year, some fans were dismayed at the announcement that it would be releasing without the expected co-op campaign, which would be patched in at a later date.

The beta version of the co-op campaign was released for Halo Insider members in mid-July, over seven months after Infinite's release, but what truly rankled players was the follow-up announcement that the co-op campaign won't ever feature online matchmaking.

While it's fair to say that the majority of players will play through Infinite's campaign with friends, there are certainly those who don't have friends that play Halo and so would find it easier to play with randoms.

But frustratingly, Infinite has no such facility, with players instead being instructed to seek out teammates outside of the game, using either the Halo Looking for Group website or the Halo discord.

Yet the results have proven wildly uneven out of the gate - in a play-test, GamesRadar struggled to find randoms to team-up with using these methods, citing both co-op currently being exclusive to Halo Insider members, and the general lack of interest in playing a campaign that's been out for over half-a-year.

It's a frustratingly clunky system for anyone who just wants to quickly group up with random people to play a few levels of the campaign, and 343 was rightly raked over the coals for failing to include such a basic aspect of online co-op play.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.