10 Video Games That Just Pissed Off EVERYONE

5. Persona 5 Royal Can't Be Upgraded From PS4 To PS5

Red Dead Redemption 2

The ability to upgrade PS4 games to their PS5 versions varies wildly between titles - some good guy publishers simply allow owners of the PS4 version to upgrade to the new-gen equivalent for free, while others charge a nominal fee of around $10.

And then there's Atlus, who following the recent announcement that Persona 5 Royal will be releasing on PS5 in October, confirmed that there was no upgrade path at all for those who already bought the PS4 version.

Indeed, there's no ability for PS4 owners to even pay a small surcharge and get the PS5 release - they'll need to pay out a full retail RRP if they want to play the new version.

Given that the PS5 version's improvements are relatively minimal - 60fps, faster loading times, and the inclusion of all previously released DLC - many understandably felt that Atlus was greedily exploiting their loyal fanbase.

Considering that the original release of Persona 5 Royal didn't have an upgrade path from Persona 5 either, Atlus is clearly hoping they can persuade some of their more obsessive fans to triple-dip on the game. Vile.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.