10 Video Games That Kill You In The First 10 Seconds

5. Dragon's Lair

The old arcade game Dragon's Lair was known for gobbling up kids' cash in a flash as players died over and over again almost inevitably. Every single screen in the game is a death trap, with players needing almost superhuman reflexes and a whole lot of luck to actually make it through to the end in one piece.

In the very first scene, the game's hero, Dirk the Daring, falls through the castle's drawbridge and is hanging on for dear life when a bunch of creepy purple tentacles shoot out of the moat and try to grab him. If you don't act fast enough and enter the correct button prompt, the tentacles will wrap themselves around Dirk and pull him down to his death.

Even if you do survive the opening traps, the subsequent screens are all littered with a multitude of traps, monsters and more, and the game moves at a really fast pace, making Dragon's Lair almost impossible to complete on a single life.

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