10 Video Games That Kill You In The First 10 Seconds

3. The Matrix: Path Of Neo

This one doesn't actually involve the death of the game's hero, but it does result in an untimely Game Over. Fans of The Matrix will know all about the movie's red and blue pills. As Morpheus famously explains, the red pill allows our hero, Neo, to free himself and enter the real world, while the blue pill lets him carry on living out his days in the fake reality of the Matrix.

The series' spin-off game, The Matrix: Path Of Neo, actually begins with the scene where Morpheus offers Neo the two pills. The only way to continue is to take the red one, following the events of the film, but it is possible to choose the blue pill and fail the game straight away, and the developers even took the time to include a special scene for those players who gobbled the blue pill.

In this scene, a disappointed Morpheus reveals that he must have been wrong about Neo after all and expresses regret that he didn't choose the red pill, and a cinematic plays out showing the protagonist waking up back inside his fake life.

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