10 Video Games That Kill You In The First 10 Seconds

2. Super Pitfall

you died

The Pitfall series has gone down in history for its difficulty, and Super Pitfall is absolutely filled to the brim with traps and tricks. The game follows the heroic explorer, Harry, as he attempts to navigate a veritable labyrinth of caves and tunnels in search of priceless treasures and his lost friends, battling his way through snakes, bats, spiders, and more.

The game teaches players a lesson about how hard it's going to be in the very first seconds. After moving right for just a few paces, we encounter a ladder, and most players naturally decided to head down and see what was at the bottom.

That decision soon proved to be fatal as the ladder actually leads to a spike-filled pit and an instant Game Over. The game is called 'Pitfall', after all! Even if the initial pit doesn't get you, the opening screens are filled with dangerous enemies and tricky traps that were simply too devious for most players to successfully avoid.

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