10 Video Games That Literally Put You Through Hell

8. Saints Row: Gat Outta Hell

Agony game
Deep Silver

Gat Outta Hell is the fifth game in the franchise, and not to be outdone by Saints Row IV and its aliens, Gat Outta Hell has you taking the fight to Satan and his demons. The plot is that you accidentally communicated with Satan while using an Ouija Board, and in turn he has dragged you to Hell with the intentions that The Boss marries his daughter. Gat having absolutely none of that vows to destroy Satan.

From then on out wackiness ensues as is typical with the later Saints Row games. You earn demon powers and collect guns modeled after the seven deadly sins like an Uzi that shoots money or La-Z-Boy strapped with rockets and machine guns.

Like Afterparty, this entry is one of the more lighthearted trips through Hell we've seen in video games. While it is violent to an extent, it's in a cartoonish way, not in a bathe in the blood of the wicked kind of way.

Unfortunately, Gat Outta Hell is the weakest in the Saints Row series, excluding Agents of Mayhem which is a journey through another kind of Hell in itself.

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Just a gamer with an unhealthy addiction to achievements, fantasy booking WWE events and watching 90's teen comedies.