10 Video Games That Literally Put You Through Hell

7. Devil May Cry

Agony game

When you're half demon and half angel, eventually you're going to have to take a step through Hell.

In Devil May Cry, Hell is referred to as the Demon World, and from it spawns all the evil and nasty things you need to take down over the course of the series. The Demon World takes on many different forms in Devil May Cry. The first game sees you go there to take down Mundus, a previous ruler of the Demon World whose actual relation to the series cannot be described in the amount of characters allowed per entry. This Hell is oddly pristine, decorated in marble and accompanied by cathedral music.

The second game sees you go into the Demon World to yet again take down a previous ruler and all out bad dude Argosax. This time is incredibly different from the first game, as it's desolate, dark and barren.

Devil May Cry 3's form of Hell has you fighting demon chess pieces on a life size chess board, as well as traversing an in game version of M.C. Escher's Relativity. Devil May Cry 4 doesn't even see you enter the Demon World, instead only mentions it and the Hell Gates that allow passage to the Human World.

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Just a gamer with an unhealthy addiction to achievements, fantasy booking WWE events and watching 90's teen comedies.