10 Video Games That Literally Put You Through Hell

6. Painkiller

Agony game
People Can Fly

Painkiller is a doozy of a series that is almost exclusively set in Purgatory and Hell. It follows Daniel who dies in a car accident with his wife Catherine. Naturally his wife goes to Heaven and he goes to Purgatory, with the only way to see her again being that he must kill four of Lucifer's generals in order to prevent a war between Heaven and Hell. You know, your typical get out of Hell scheme.

Each boss battle with Lucifer's generals is intense, with the demons towering over you, making you know why they are the right-hand demons to Lucifer just in stature alone. While red skies, a perpetual red mist and fire coming from the mouths of enemies let you know you've found your way into the devil's stomping ground.

Since its initial release in 2004, Painkiller has seen numerous expansions that have gone to new areas such as a hellish circus, an orphanage as well as Necropolis and Leningrad. There was also a remake/sequel released in 2013 that made Hell a little easier on the eyes graphics wise.

Painkiller has definitely fallen under the radar for most casual gamers, especially those on console as only a fraction of releases have found their way to one.

Even so, it certainly has a fanbase and with reason, as it's one of the few games where you can shoot Lucifer right in the face.

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Just a gamer with an unhealthy addiction to achievements, fantasy booking WWE events and watching 90's teen comedies.