10 Video Games That Literally Put You Through Hell

5. God Of War

Agony game

If there's one thing that Kratos loves more than yelling, brutally murdering thousands, killing his dad, sex mini games and saying the word boy, it's dying. Kratos manages to find his way into the Underworld in what seems like every single game.

In ancient Greek mythology, Hell doesn't exist, instead it is the Underworld which is ruled by Hades. So while not technically "Hell" so to say, Kratos does manage to find his way into the place where souls are taken for all eternity after death. Close enough.

Kratos first finds his way into the Underworld after being killed by Ares after he throws a stone slab seemingly across the world directly into Kratos' chest. The Underworld in God of War is also home to one of the most annoying segments in video game history as well...

God of war spiked column

God of War 2's journey through the Underworld is much shorter and only briefly features you crawling back to the land of the living after taking a sword through the stomach thanks to Zeus.

In God of War 3 you go all out, deciding not only are you going to go to the Underworld by choice, but you're also going to go ahead and kill its ruler, Hades.

*Very mild spoilers for the most recent God of War game below, you have been warned*

Not even a reboot and change in mythology can stop Kratos from venturing into the underworld, as he journeys into the Norse realm of Helheim. Although this time it's not his death that takes him there, but the sickness of his son he must cure.

At this point it's almost like Kratos actually enjoys the land of the dead more than the living.

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Just a gamer with an unhealthy addiction to achievements, fantasy booking WWE events and watching 90's teen comedies.