10 Video Games That Literally Put You Through Hell

4. Mortal Kombat

Agony game

Just like God of War, Mortal Kombat's journey through Hell is not a traditional one. Instead we are treated with the Netherealm, a realm where the souls of the dead are banished for eternal torture. Sound familiar?

Also since Mortal Kombat is a fighting game, there really hasn't been many chances to fully explore the Netherealm other than what you see in stages. With the one exception being the Konquest mode in Mortal Kombat: Deception which allowed you to travel the realms with Shujinko.

This lack of exploration however means nothing, as the lore of the Netherealm is extensive, and it's inhabitants are well known fighters in the game. The most notable being Scorpion, who was cast to the Netherealm after being killed by Sub-Zero. There's also the former Elder God Shinnok who descended to the Netherealm after trying to take over Earthrealm. The lore surrounding the Netherealm is so vast it's hard to believe this is simply a fighting game.

Even if it isn't technically Hell (although it's been called Hell before in game lore), the Netherealm shares many of the features that your typical Hell would. Fire, brimstone, lava, torture, eternal damnation, it's all there.

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Just a gamer with an unhealthy addiction to achievements, fantasy booking WWE events and watching 90's teen comedies.